Practical Tips For Finding Peace in Pandemic Times

Feeling overstimulated and overwhelmed?? Focus on what makes you feel more peaceful. Is it just being alone for 30 minutes? Is it literally having personal space and not being followed around (for all of our parents out there)?

Is it having a bit of quiet in the house? Is it having alone time with your significant other? Is it exercising or being outside? Reading or listening to Podcasts? Bingeing a show by yourself?

Once you identify one or two peaceful activities…find a way to make them happen. You can do it!

Don’t be afraid to create boundaries or structure at home with this new normal. Structure brings us comfort in the midst of chaos. Be clear and concise in your home office or family boundaries.

There are no rules…what works for you or your family is not the same as everyone else. Focus on your own household. Comparison is the thief of happiness.

Communicate! Remember that NO ONE can read your mind, no matter how well they know you. Be open and honest about needing alone time, feeling frustrated, feeling confused, and grieving for the way things used to be. If we do not communicate our feelings, we can build resentment, and frustration will grow quickly.

If you can put yourself first and focus on your own well-being, you will be better equipped to care for those in your household. Speak up for yourself, and let your family know that you need a small slice of time to make yourself stronger, happier, and more patient with your family.


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